9 reasons to love Stampin’ Up!®️

I am a paper crafter and I have been my whole life. 

I have shopped lots of different companies and let me tell you why Stampin’ Up!®️'s products are hard to beat.

Let me guess, you love to craft too?

Then I have something good for you: Stampin’ Up!®️ 

Here are 9 reasons why I highly recommend Stampin’ Up!®️ products.

  1. Colour coordination

My favourite colour out of all the 50 different colours in our Stampin’ Up!®️ colour collection is … ?

That’s a tough question, but whichever colour I gravitate towards when I start a project, I know that anything I include on my card will match.

 I love that the cardstock, the ribbon, the embellishment, the Designer Series Paper, the ink pad, the markers, the blends, ALL MATCH! 

I don’t have to try 2-3 different colours to find the closest match. 

It makes crafting so much easier.

  1. French stamps

If you didn’t know this about me, I am bilingual and French is my native language.

And I am a proud French Canadian!

With that said, I really love to make and offer french cards. I find it makes it even more personalized, french handmade cards are hard to find.

Stampin’ Up!®️ offers french stamps, and I am all about it. I get myself a copy of the french catalogue, that way I get to see all the different sayings.

Yes it does make me buy more stamps because sometimes I love the sentiments so much I purchase both sets (the english and french stamp set). It takes alot of discipline to not get them all!

If you would like to get a copy of the French catalogue, let me know, I would be pleased to send you one!

Or you can click the image to flip through the digital copy.

Stampin’ Up!®️ catalog

  1. Delivered to my door

The fact that I can select which stamp set, or bundle I want and have it delivered to my door is another advantage for me.

I place my order on the online store and within 2 weeks I have the products in my hand.

And I just jump to creating!

This service saves me the 2 hour trip to the closest craft store, and to me, it’s worth the wait! I just plan a little more because I try to combine my orders to save on shipping.

  1. Product suites

Let’s take the Nature's Sweetness Collection, from the January- April Mini Catalogue, for instance. We have the bundle that includes two stamp sets and dies, the Faux Leather ribbon, the Round Cork embellishments and the DSP.

Nature's Sweetness Collection Designer Series Paper Notes of Nature stamp set and dies, Lovely & Sweet stamp set and dies

I can order all of those products with just one item number.

This way, I know that everything included in this suite is meant to match together… which brings me back to my number 1 reason why I love Stampin’ Up!®️: PRODUCT COORDINATION!

  1. Quality of products

 I don’t know how to explain this fifth point, but you really need to feel Stampin’ Up!®️ products to realize the quality is hard to beat. 

The cardstock is sturdy, the colouring tools are impressive and the Designer Series Paper is inspiring.

Stampin’ Up!®️ is considerate about waste and being sustainable. 

I remember Patty Bennett sharing a post about how the company uses the rubber scraps in a park they built as "mulch".

You can see here, she is standing in the park where they shredded all the leftover rubber from their Cling stamps to make a soft cushion for the playground.

Check out Patty's blog post when she visited the manufacturing facility for more pictures.

  1. Discount and rewards

I can join the company in selling their products and become an independent demonstrator and take advantage of employee discounts!

As a Stampin’ Up!®️ demonstrator, I get a minimum of 20% discount on all products. I can earn up to 25% off depending of my standing.

You can share your own projects with the world and get rewarded for that too by inviting customers to purchase the products through you.

It’s another great reason why I love this paper crafting company. I get rewarded for my purchases, I have the option to get it for a cheaper price when I decide to join and become demonstrator.

Crafting is a hobby, why not get your products at a discount?

Stampin’ Up!®️ gives us an opportunity to get our supplies at a cheaper price by becoming an independent demonstrator.

  1. Family and friends

Can you feel the love in this picture? 

This is Kay, she lives in New Foundland and I met her through another demonstrator while we were working on organizing a Stampers Retreat last year. 

We clicked and Kay left an ink spot on my heart, a very colourful spot!

I still can’t believe the amount of friends I made through stamping and sharing my passion about card making.

Stamping makes us gather and create together, it gives us a sense of connection and belonging. 

If you too have a paper crafting hobby, I would love to connect with you. Leave a comment below and tell me what do you like to create?

  1. The catalogues

Stampin’ Up!®️ publishes 3 catalogues every year and they are filled with inspiration and ideas.

I just love the spark and excitement they create!

I even keep my old catalogues just for inspiration.

And speaking of catalogues, we just received a new one this month, check it out here.

The Annual Catalogue comes out in May and lasts for a whole 12 months until April the following year.

As a Stampin’ Up!®️ demonstrator, I get to see and purchase from this catalogue a month before it goes live to customers.

We get 2 mini catalogues, one in the beginning of the year to kick off Sale-A-Bration and one for the holidays in August. Both last 4 months.

So the first mini catalogue is available from January to April, with a pre-order for demonstrators in December.

The second mini catalogue is available from September to December, with a pre-order in August.
  1. Customer Service

I dare you to call Stampin’ Up!®️ customer service just to talk to them. They are so friendly and helpful, they just brighten my day… maybe it’s the ‘on-hold’ music that makes me happy!
But seriously, if ever you run into an issue, call them. 1-800-STAM-PUP
I agree that the wait time might be long sometimes, but leave your number and they will call back, I promise.
Stampin’ Up!®️ customer service is awesome!

Here's a recap of why I love Stampin’ Up!®️ so much.

  1. Colour matching
  2. Bilingual stamps
  3. Shipped to me
  4. Collections
  5. Durability
  6. Being a demonstrator
  7. Community
  8. Idea books
  9. Company's values
What else would you add to this list? Tell me in the comments!
If you want to watch me make a card LIVE, watch me on Facebook tonight, at 8 pm, Atlantic Time, here.

Let's make this world a better place one handmade card at a time.
Marika -xo 


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